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April 14,2008
April 14, 2008 


1) Finalize mailing (everyone was to review it and send feedback.)

2) Finalize plan for timing and distribution of pamphlet

3) Introductory meeting w/ Town Planner, Jennifer Atwood Burney.  Suggested discussion topics:

      A) Possible Grant opportunities for some of the Alternative Energy      initiatives w/ new municipal buildings

      B) The concept of establishing a Sustainable Building Policy and Guideline as Arlington & Belmont have recently done. (Martha sent out Belmont's example recently and Jennifer is getting examples from other towns as well.)

      C) Discuss PPA possibility for town

4) Updates on lecture, workshop series (John/Frank)

5) Update on LCD group starting in May (Martha/Laura)

6) Earth Day at the Library Update

7) Other topics if time permits